Welcome back to part two in our three part series on what to expect when beginning your journey into Muay Thai. If you would like to go back and read part one, you can find it by clicking here.
Muay Thai classes are different than karate lessons in Raleigh. For starters, you’ll get a much more intensive workout so you’ll need to be a little more prepared. Here are a few more basics to help along your first few months.
Cheap Gear
Don’t do it. You will regret your decision later when you have to replace your stuff too early. Just like the old saying goes – you get what you pay for, so be sure to invest in yourself and get some quality gear. It’s easily understandable to not want to make an early financial commitment, especially if you are not sure about whether or not you’re even going to like the sport. Even if you buy a cheaper pair of gloves, do not shortchange your headgear and mouthpiece. You should also consider buying high quality equipment to better protect yourself.
Be a Gym Rat and Ask Lots of Questions
You always hear success stories about the athletes who made it, and one of the first things you notice is that they’re a gym rat. The eat, sleep, and breathe their sport. If you really want to succeed in life, you have to grab it by the horns and make it happen. No one will do it for you. Show up early, be the last one to leave, and please ask us a lot of questions. This is how you learn. Learning Muay Thai the right way does take a high level of commitment and dedication, so be ready to take on the challenge.
Your Shins
They will hurt; along with other parts of your body too. You’re going to be sore, and get a few bumps and bruises along the way. You are just not going to avoid these things with a full contact sport. If you cannot handle this aspect of Muay Thai, then this might not be the best sport for you. No, we are not going to have you kick down trees, and we are not going to whack you with big bamboo poles, but you will be kicking, punching and striking a heavy bag and thick pads. Your body will take a while to condition itself to these new things so you might feel it a little more. Just be aware that after a while, you’ll notice that your shins, and other body parts will not hurt anymore and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a good fighter.
Be sure to read part three. You can jump to that post by clicking here. If you’re wanting to see what Gracie is all about, give us a call.
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Why not try Muay Thai or Brazilian Jui Jitsu instead? Gracie Raleigh can help. We’ve got the best martial arts gym in the area and specialize in your personal defense. If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, call Gracie Raleigh today and schedule your free class. You’ll love the way we work!