Welcome back to part three of our series on what to expect during your first experience with learning Muay Thai. If you missed part one and part two, we advise you to take a few minutes to check them out as they have some great information that you should read if you’re considering learning this contact sport. Each part in this series covers a few different aspects of what you should expect, and how you’ll feel. Part one can be found by clicking here, and part two – here. Let’s move right along to the final post, and then afterwards, maybe you’ll be ready to sign up for one of Gracie Raleigh’s free Muay Thai classes.
Fighting and Sparring – You Don’t Have to
Some people like to get punched in the face, and some do not. We are not going to think any less of you if you do not want to fight, or even spar for that matter. We understand that professional contact sport athletes are a rare breed and not everyone that wants to learn martial arts will want to follow the same path. We have Muay Thai training at all levels. We will push your boundaries but we will not pressure you into fighting if you’re not ready.
Once a Week Won’t Work
Please do not come into your martial arts training thinking that once a week will really give you the gains you’re looking for. If you are casual about learning the sport, and just want a good workout, then once a week might be fine. However, if you are really serious and want to learn how to efficiently utilize Muay Thai, then be prepared to train at least three days a week.
Good Partners
Part of being a member of Gracie Raleigh is good sportsmanship, family, and teamwork. When you first start your journey, become a sponge and strive to learn as much as possible. When it is your time to be a partner, learn how to hold the pads and call the actions. Don’t try to be fancy or cute, just keep it simple and basic. Your fellow classmates will appreciate this more than you know. Also, be willing to communicate with your partner when it’s your time to hold the pads. Ask them about the right height, angle, and resistance you’re giving.
Support Your Teammates
Be willing to join your teammates in the community that has been established. At Gracie Raleigh, we are more than just a martial arts gym, we are a family of brothers and sisters that share a common goal and care about each other’s successes. We invite you to give us a call today so you can have a chance to see what we are all about. You’ll love the atmosphere and the sincerity of our coaches and your other teammates.
Searching for Karate Classes in Raleigh? Try Muay Thai Instead
Gracie Raleigh specializes in your personal defense by offering highly rated Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes. We are one of the premier martial arts gyms in Raleigh so please give us a call to schedule a FREE class. If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, then calling Gracie Raleigh should be your first step.