Research shows that 7 out of 10 people will eventually have to deal with a sore neck. If you train at our UFC gym in Raleigh, or another gym, then you probably fall into that 70 percent. If not, know that a sore neck is one of the most common types of sports injuries.
In today’s post, we’re going to give you a few ways to treat your sore neck so you’re not missing out on your training. Are you searching for the best UFC gym in Raleigh NC? Call Gracie today! We’re not your typical gym as we specialize in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, muay thai, and more. Call today and ask about our free classes.
Dealing with a Sore Neck
In general, most people suffer from a sore neck because they slept in a bad position. However, it can hit you out of nowhere regardless of if you’re training, cleaning your house, washing your car, etc. In martial arts and combat sport training, a sore neck can come from rolling, using bad form and technique, or by over extension. So how do you deal with the pain? Check out these tips below.
When you first feel that you’ve strained your neck, stop what you’re doing so you do not further injure yourself. After that, get some heat on it. Heat therapy increases the blood flow around the injured area. This not only provides instant relief, but it also aids in natural healing. Heat the sore area between 15 to 20 minutes each session.
After you’ve applied the heat treatment for 20 minutes, stretch out your muscles. Start by using one hand to gently pull your head to one side. Hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds. Anything less than 20 seconds is a waste of a good stretch. And a good stretch can go a long way, however do not overstretch the area. This can hyper-extend or crane your neck, which can cause more pain and injury.
You might have messed your neck up to the point that it’s really sore. You might want to seek out a professional massage. A massage can really help your tight and knotted up muscles.
We hope today’s post helps your neck feel better so that you’re back in the gym as quick as possible. If you’re ready to get serious about your martial arts training, keep reading to see how we can help you.
Affordable UFC Gym in Raleigh NC for MMA Training | Gracie Raleigh
If you are looking to train with the best, give us a call today. We’re a highly recommended UFC gym in Raleigh for all of your mixed martial arts training needs. Gracie Raleigh is dedicated to your health and fitness goals. We will train you to defend yourself from attackers as well as help you get into the best physical fitness of your life.
We even have specific programs for women and children. There are also no contracts for children, so you don’t have worry about continuing to pay for classes if they change their minds about participating. Gracie also offers FREE martial classes. Call us today to learn more, or to get started.