Thanks for coming back for our final installment on shrimping. This is the fourth post on this subject, and at the bottom you’ll find the links to read the other shrimping tips. Shrimping is an important fundamental element of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. You’ll need to have a good base to defend, escape, and set up offensive moves as well.
To better help you train in this key area, our experts have put together a few partner drills you can use either at home or at the gym. Are you ready to skip the boxing classes in Raleigh NC and try something new? Why not call Gracie Raleigh? If you like boxing then you’ll love our MMA and muay thai classes. Plus, we also have the top BJJ program in Triangle. Call today and get started with your free class!
How to Shrimp with a Partner
Standing Partner Hip Escapes –With this drill, the biggest benefit you’ll get out of it is that you’ll learn how to shrimp to create space. This is an especially good drill for white belts and children.
Butterfly Hip Escapes –This shrimping drill utilizes both the forward and backward variation. It can be effectively used to set up arm-bars, triangle chokes, and to escape bad positions.
Knee on Belly Shrimp Outs – If you find yourself being dominated by this position, lateral shrimping can really pay off. Here’s a short video to show you just one of the ways to escape.
Solo Shrimping
If you’re in need of solo shrimping drills, then we suggest you check out this easy to follow instructional video. You’ll see proper shrimp, and shrimp to bridge movements.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to shrimp training. There’s lots more out there for you to learn. Please don’t forget about the other blogs in this series. You should go back and read them for even more great tips on how to effectively use shrimping to your advantage.
If you’re looking for a new martial arts challenge, keep reading to see how Gracie Raleigh can help you with your ground game!
Bored with Boxing Classes in Raleigh NC? Try BJJ at Gracie Raleigh!
If you’re getting bored with standard boxing classes in Raleigh NC, how about moving on to a new challenge, and something different? At Gracie Raleigh, we can train you in, BJJ, and muay thai, and other aspects of MMA. We offer a superior martial arts program that will teach you the most effective ways to use your punches, kicks, knees and elbows for self defense against any size attacker. You also work on your ground game as we’re the premier BJJ gym in the Triangle area. Come ready and be prepared to get a great workout!
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