One of the most surprising things about martial arts can be the list of a-listers who practice them. In Hollywood, many male stars are revered for their ability to convincingly play tough guys. When you think of action stars who kick butt, Steven Seagal, Jackie Chan and Jean Claude Van Damme probably come to mind, but did you know there are many actors with serious martial arts cred that you may have overlooked?
Here are some of the toughest guys in Hollywood with some of the most powerful martial arts training. If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, call Gracie today. We’re the best UFC gym in Raleigh.
Hollywood Actors That Can Kick Your Butt
- Ashton Kutcher – Though he is more known for comedic roles and being alarmingly good looking, Kutcher has devoted some real time to his study of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and has received his black belt. The actor has traveled to Brazil to study several times and has spent many years training under Ricardo De La Riva Goded, a sixth-degree black belt.
- Ed O’Neill – Though he has a reputation as playing the all American dad on television sitcoms, O’Neill is a dedicated practitioner of the martial arts. He called receiving his black belt in 2007 “the greatest achievement of my life, apart from my children.” For more than 20 years, he has trained in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and has studied under Grand Master Rorion Gracie.
- Michael Jai White – Having appeared in a handful of action movies, White is most well known for his roles in the Tyler Perry films and television series and his comedic work. However, older audiences may remember White from “Spawn” in 1997 or “Exit Wounds” in 2001 where he earned the right to show off his martial arts skills next to Steven Seagal. The actor has been training in jiu-jitsu since the age of seven and holds eight black belts in Kyokushin, wushu, Shotokan, Taekwondo, Kobudo, Goju Ryu, and tang soo do.
- John Cusack – Introduced to kickboxing in preparation for 1989’s “Say Anything”, Cusack trained under Benny Urquidez. After falling in love with the sport, the level six black belt continued to study in Urquidez’s Ukidoken kickboxing system.
- Keanu Reeves – While very few people would be surprised to learn about Reeves’ love for the martial arts, his desire to practice them didn’t come until 1999 while he was making “The Matrix”. His training for the movie required him to study Krav Maga, boxing, wushu, and jiu jitsu. Later films, like “John Wick”, brought karate and judo into his practice of martial arts. Most notably it was Reeves’ admiration for the stunt performers that he worked with on “The Matrix” and his friendship with stuntman Tiger Chen that led the actor to petition for higher salaries for them to appear in the Matrix sequels.
- Taylor Lautner – More than just a pretty boy from the Twilight movies, Lautner began his martial arts training at the age of six. He earned his black belt by the age of 8. When he was required by the director of “Twilight” to put on more than 30 pounds of muscle to appear in the film Lautner relied on his martial arts training and weightlifting to help him reach the goal. Many fans would like to see him move into action movies as his career continues.
The Best UFC Gym in Raleigh | Gracie Raleigh
Looking to finally push through and make it to the other side with your MMA training? Give us a call today. We’re a highly recommended UFC gym in Raleigh for all of your MMA training needs. Gracie Raleigh is dedicated to your health and fitness goals. We will train you to defend yourself from attackers as well as help you get into the best physical fitness of your life.
We even have specific programs for women and children. There are also no contracts for children, so you don’t have worry about continuing to pay for classes if they change their mind about participating. Gracie also offers FREE martial classes. Call us today to learn more, or to get started, click here. We’re the top UFC gym in Raleigh for any type of mixed martial arts.