No one wants to be the victim of an attack and have no way to defend themselves or their loved ones. However, crime can happen anywhere and at any time. Regardless of who you are or where you live, everyone needs to have a plan for defending themselves. Luckily, there are a number of personal defense products that make it easier than ever to feel secure while being comfortable with the defense strategy you have chosen. Here are some of the best self-defense tools available on the market. For the best self defense classes in Raleigh, call Gracie!
The Defender Pepper Spray
Not only does this pepper spray contain the highest grade of pepper spray commercially available, but the device also comes in a container that will snap a photo of your assailant and dispatch the GPS coordinates of your location to police when the device is used through Bluetooth and an app on your smartphone. The canister is also equipped with an alarm to alert anyone near you that you are in danger. It is backed by a 24/7 team to monitor calls and relay information to authorities.
Gerber Zipper Blade
While it may look like a regular zipper pull, the Gerber Zipper Blade actually swivels out to reveal a .68 inch blade that can help you get out of a tough situation. It folds away securely when not needed and won’t draw attention.
Yellow Jacket iPhone Stun Case
The Yellow Jacket stun case can help turn your cell phone into a protective device. With triggers on both sides of the case, the device delivers a 950,000 volt charge to your attacker.
ITS Hypalon Concealment Wallet
This wallet looks cool and has several features that will make it a must-have for men who want protection and security without drawing attention. Made of a chemically resistant material, this wallet from Hypalon has two hidden flaps with slots for a wire blade, handcuff keys, and more. After all, a solid self-defense tool is useless if you don’t have anywhere to stash it.
Uzi Tactical Pen
The Uzi tactical pen may be one of the most versatile self-defense items on the market. With multiple models to choose from, these pens feature a host of capabilities like a DNA catcher that can rip shreds of flesh out of your attacker for DNA analysis, a glass breaker, and a place to house a handcuff key.
Affordable Self Defense Classes in Raleigh
If carrying a weapon makes you nervous, or you aren’t sure you’d remember how to use it if you were in a situation where you were being attacked, learn practical and effective strategies from Gracie’s self defense classes in Raleigh. We offer regular self-defense classes to help you feel prepared to defend yourself in any situation. Call or come by the gym today to get more information on our next course and see how we can help you be ready to fight and defend yourself!