More on Maintaining Your Fighting Weight During the Holidays

martial arts schools in RaleighWelcome back to our continuing series on maintaining your fighting weight during the holidays. In our previous post, we examined the way you can help control holiday indulgence by managing your food intake before you go to gatherings. Our last post also addressed how to squeeze in a quick workout in spite of the hectic schedule of the season. In this post, we will examine ways to maintain or lose weight during the holiday season. Did you know that Gracie was one of the top martial arts schools in Raleigh? Call us today to learn why!

Control Your Portions
The holiday season is not an excuse to overeat and overindulge. If you’re worried about feeling hungry and deprived, choose to eat small portions of the foods you don’t usually have balanced by a healthy, protein-rich snack.

Use a Smaller Plate
Did you know that research has shown that by using a smaller plate you’ll eat 30% fewer calories? Take a salad plate with you through the food line rather than a dinner plate and your waistline will thank you.

Savor and Chew Slowly
Chewing and savoring your food forces you to slow down and enjoy your food. This also helps you pay attention to how much you’re actually eating. Studies have shown that people who eat more slowly consume 12% fewer calories.

Sip and Save
Between air travel, cold, dry air and being overheated, it’s entirely possible you’re not overly hungry, your body is dehydrated. Before you make your plate or sit down to dinner, drink a glass of water. You’re more likely to eat less if you are properly hydrated. Keep a water bottle in your car all season long and sip all day to keep yourself from getting dehydrated.

Find a Way to Get Moving
Getting to the gym can be hard. If you can’t put in your regular time at the gym, find ways to squeeze in mini workouts or to get the whole family moving. Go sledding with the kids, run a charity 5k or join in the flag football game. Whatever you do, get moving for at least 30 minutes a day.

Don’t Focus on the Food
The holidays aren’t just about the food. Put the emphasis on spending time out of the kitchen and with your family. Help create a new tradition by playing games with the kids or preserve your family’s history by talking with older relatives and writing down their stories. Turning the focus away from food and putting it on the real reason you come together at the forefront.

Top Martial Arts Schools in Raleigh for 2019

Surviving the holidays without gaining weight can be hard. At Gracie Raleigh, we know what it takes to get you back in fighting shape. Call or come by the gym today and learn how you can make 2019 your best year yet with the expert trainers at Gracie Raleigh.

Give your loved ones the gift of strength and discipline this holiday season with the gift of training from Gracie, one of the best martial arts schools in Raleigh.